better late than never!

Boise, ID

We know it's a little late in the game, being that our birthday was in May and all, but we had a pretty fantastic birthday. Usually the three of us make great efforts to be together on our special day, but Megan had just had a newborn and wasn't fit to travel so just the two of us shared our special day!
It started out with a fantastic scavenger hunt put on by our boys. They had made us maps, and burned the edges to give it that real "mappy" effect. The first stop was the movie theatres! We loved watching a chick flick together.
When we're together we're bound to take silly selfies and laugh till our bellies hurt. We giggled through the movie (a romantic film of course) and made sure to overload on popcorn and snacks and soda!
Our second stop was the bowling alley! This hint cracked us up... "big balls await!" was pretty mysterious! We are absolutely terrible bowlers but we had such a great time throwing gutters and the occasional strike.
I forgot to wear socks. Nothing is worse than bowling without socks. #positivethoughts And who else has a problem deciding which ball fits their fingers? Those holes are funny.
Third stop: the driving range. We hit some golf balls and reminded ourselves, yet again, how terrible we are at golfing (and bowling). It's amazing how many times one can miss the ball! Absolutely amazing. I think I should win an award for being a terrible golfer.
Last stop: pizza. No girls night is ever complete without Dominos Pizza. Because if you know us at all, pizza is our main food group. We could not be happier to celebrate over pizza. We're classic like that.
To end this fabulous scavenger hunt, we came home to a pile of presents! Mine were wrapped in gold to resemble "treasure" while Meg got to enjoy some old Christmas wrapping paper in May. Classic, haha. The boys really did well on this birthday and made it a fun full-day adventure! 

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4 comments on better late than never!

  1. i love that your hubbies planned it all out for you. so fun!!

  2. That's so cute and thoughtful! Lucky ladies!

  3. oh my gosh beyond perfect. so sad i missed out on this. but I'm confused, what time did this date start? haha since movie was first but map says 7 pm? theres no way you did that all at night in the dark? fill me in! this is perfect please do again with me :(

    1. well during the summer it's light until almost 10 pm! we watched the movie as a matinee, i believe it was around 5 pm. then kept going till dark! we missed you leelee!


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