home for christmas



There's nothing like being home for Christmas! Idaho greeted us with beautiful, white and fluffy snow. Our husbands built a ginormous snowman on Christmas Eve, so by Christmas day he was leaning a little with some parts missing.  But he brought a smile to everyones face before he decided to take a crash landing.

This year, our mom decided to have the family spend Christmas day in pajamas! Since all of our siblings live in Idaho and have kids, Kylie and I were the only ones that could spend the night at my parents house (no kids perk). There's something about the comfort of your childhood home that makes you feel like a kid again. Kylie and I soaked up every second with Mom and Dad, waking up on Christmas morning with each other and our spouses. By the time breakfast time rolled around and the cinnamon rolls were ready, the other siblings began trickling in and opening presents.

Christmas was basically spent eating and lounging in our pajamas as the snow fell outside our windows. It was truly magical. How was your Christmas?! Tell us below!
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1 comments on home for christmas

  1. I'm so happy for you to have spent Christmas with you family. The snowman does make me smile and I adore the Christmas tree. My Christmas was uneventful but full of food.


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